COA once again put up our Sukkah as a special place for COA members and friends to have a nosh, a l'chaim and make the blessings over Lulav and Etrog. We do this annually as many of our members, friends and volunteers live in apartments and do not have the chance to build their own Sukkah. Through the COA they have the opportunity to complete the mitzvot of the Succoth festival. 

Graciously erected by handyman Paul Skerwiderski and decorated by COA staff members Ranmalie de Silva, Suzi Parker, and Sandy Matrai with decorations handmade by Sandy, Ranmalie, and Sabina Kovadlo and family, and with and Lulav and Etrog provided by our Member Engagement Manager, the inimitable Mordechai Levin.

Of course it rained—this seems to be just what to  expect of spring in Sydney for the last few years— but undeterred Mordechai waited for a break in the rainy weather before inviting people into  the Sukkah to make the traditional blessings together.