COA Fresh

COA Fresh

COA Fresh is an innovative service brought about due to COVID, and is proudly sponsored by Peter & Jenny Wohl and family. It was COA’s way of helping people stay out of the shops as much as possible. Our members and friends love the service, and with generous sponsorship from Peter and Jenny Wohl and family we are committed to keep it going.

How it works:
COA members  in the community who are doing it tough, or trying to keep safe from viruses, are visited weekly by COA volunteers who deliver a mixed bag of fresh fruit and vegetables and other household items (toiletries, cleaning and sanitising products etc).

Those who feel they need the service can call COA on 9389 0035 to be included in delivery lists, and the service can be ended easily with a phone call.

There is no need to pay for the service, as we want to ensure food security regardless of ability to pay, but those who feel they can contribute $10 towards their weekly bag can do so by contacting COA to either give a one off amount or can make this a recurring direct debit contribution.

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