Melanie Wolf – better known as Medi – has been an active COA volunteer since 2000 and is a person of great commitment and compassion, worthy of recognition at the highest level.

She came to us after the loss of her husband, looking for a way to fill her days and meet new people. Her first role was helping with clerical tasks in the COA office , but she soon found her niche with our In-House Catering team.

For almost 2 decades Medi was responsible for making and serving sandwiches and refreshments to the over 200 people visiting the Krygier Centre each week. In real terms Medi has helped produce over 100,000 lunches in her time volunteering with us, even when she had her leg in a cast she continued her role, making sandwiches and refreshments on crutches.

Medi still lends a helping hand wherever and whenever it is needed, whether it is  packing newsletters, welcoming newcomers to the centre, or calling clients who have not come for the activity that day. She is very creative and has often hosted craft groups for other attendees during the regular weekly program of activities.


Always with a smile, she encourages others to attend the Krygier Centre, rather than sit at home in isolation, and has thereby changed the lives of a number of seniors in our community.

Medi is enthusiastic, cheerful and a true part of the family atmosphere which we are so proud of. Her years of work in the COA’s activity centre means she is well acquainted with our members, to whom she shows great compassion. Her heart encompasses all community members coming to COA.

Medi was recognised for her work, with many certificates awarded to Medi for going above and beyond expectations. Medi also won the JCA Mench award in 2013 for her work producing meals for our members.